Wednesday, December 9, 2009

LOVE , Actually!

Day and night, summer or winter love is one thing that we dream of , we want it , we think of it ,we thought we felt it , we wish we can have it. Every now and then we seem to fall in love , but if theres some positive side of it then why we fail to raise in it.

We sometimes spend our lives wondering that ,”Am I truly in love with the one I love?.

But the question is what is “Love Actually”??

At time we get stuck in places with questions like

I wonder why did’nt he asked me to stay. But if he loved you , he would have never let you go

I wonder why he does’nt understand my feelings.But if he loved you, he would feel it before you could even think of it

I wonder why did’nt he call me?. But if he loved you, he would have kept ringing you

I wonder why he does’nt find me beautiful. But if he loved you, the meaning of beauty would begin and end with you

I wonder what is that he doesn’t like in me. But if he loved you there would be nothing about you that he may not like.

I wonder why he does’nt gel with me. But if he loved you ,he would try to be the one he could be a hit with.

I wonder why he don’t ask me out . But if he loved you, he would always be out your door to go out with you.

I wonder why he could not listen to my heart. But if he loved you , he would never skip a beat of it.

Love actually is a moment of truth that happens when you can’t imagine life without someone you love, when her smile becomes the aim of your life. When life is about sharing joys with her and even your sorrows. When coming home means to find her waiting ,when waking up means to hear her voice shrieking in the ears. Love actually is when you sense her in every face you see, in every hug that you feel. All of us get stuck in the shackles of love not once or twice but even more then thrice.Often in such encounters at times we get hooked at wrong places or multiple places wondering who is my destiny. And like a gadabout we start hunting day and night for the actual love of our life.

But the crux is if you love somebody and are waiting to know that if he somebody or she somebody also loves you the way you do. Its simple coz then he would be the last person to look around for, as he will always be the one standing by the side.


I came , I fell ,I hit and I got out of it.

I came ,I fell ,I raise ,I smiled and lived happily ever after

You don’t have to find way back into love, love always finds a way that leads to you.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Defining Weed!

I feel this weird feeling that how can i know others when at times looking in the mirror I see a complete stranger in me.Shades of me that i don't know, sides of me that i have'nt seen .I seem I am a simple person , i often would have asked my acquaintances of not understanding me .But do i know the person within me.Do I know the reason to feelings that i feel.Life often seems sorted but at the other moment some conflicting feeling takes hold of my senses and confuses me.

Some times there are some weeds in us that grow andspoil the beauty of the garden that we nurture with the flowers that we love to see bloom inside.We try to garden the garden with love and try to take out these weeds but some times they are so embedded deep inside ,that they dont come out of their roots.We try and try with the aim that we shall succeed but even the strength inside gets crippled by these thoughts referred to weeds.It robs you of your peace, it blinds you to goodness around ,it leaves a bad taste in your mouth but it doesnt leave you.

This is the immortal weed that yields and makes your heart bleed!

Friday, September 11, 2009


i wander wander wander...........i give up n drop down ,but suddenly i wonder why did i stop from wandering. but for what do i wander...I sit down and ponder to knw that why do i wander .N i den i realise the driving force behind my wandering in the labyrinth is something deep inside...the quest for life ,quest for freedom, quest for joy, quest for rejoice...........

Now that i knw why i wander , the next thing to ponder is that whr does the answer for my quest lies.I search it in her ,in him, in you, in them, in it .... but with empty hands i still still down to ponder...

where lie my joy , whr lie my happiness... and then i hear a call from within the heart .I give up the ponder and sit down to converse with this lil thing within , how it got the power over me.
Why it guides my choices, my path, my reasons to be, my reasons to not to be.IT make me do wrong it make me do right and unless i satisfy this call inside it keeps me gives me the perseverance to jus live uptil i cn fight ....fight for the happiness inside...~

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Though evrything in life is on a smooth ride, den why others expectations act s hurdles in the smoothness..

i miss d clarity between the right nd d wrong.????

..i neva intend to hurt anyone. i neva try 2 mess wid any1....but probably d situtions,

i are'nt aimin 2 hurt u but u get hurt...then whose fault is it. urs or mine?

Sometimes u xpect more den i can give..whose fault urs or mine

sometimes you question my it my life or urs..?

You have d power to advise, direct, but did i ever give you d right 2 govern?

IS my Life , not my life!

welcum 2 myself...

Dr ws a time... i wrote nice....
Dr was a time.. i exressed well..n den
Came dis time.....of max vellagiri n max....expressionloss..

Dr r so many thots... i wanna many feelings i wanna share...den thot it surely wud b rare..but cn make me aware... of my dyin writing skills,

so here cums me in d world of bloggers!